Webdesign and Management

Intermediate course for those wishing to learn to design websites

This workshop is aimed at those with a desire to fast track learn the basic skills needed to create and manage their own, or their company's web site. It also provides an introduction to web terminology and is consequently suitable for anyone needing the background knowledge to decrypt jargon when liaising with professional web developers or designers.

You will learn about:

  • * The Internet - as a Global Marketplace.
  • * Planning Concepts, Web Content and Navigation.
  • * In-depth HTML Scripting to include Tables, Frames and Images.
  • * Colours, Text Layout and Graphical Design hints.
  • * Available Software/Utilities for construction of web pages.
  • * Adding Links to other pages and sites.
  • * Website Tips and Tricks.
  • * Graphic Manipulation and Image Optimisation methods.
  • * Search Engines - Are they important?
  • * Promotion of websites - How to increase website usage through Meta Tags.
  • * FTP (file transfer protocol) - How to upload files to your web space.
  • * Assessing site performance.

This workshop provides an overall knowledge of website construction. By the end of their stay, delegates will have gained the necessary skills to create a well-structured, optimised website containing the primary components required to make it easily navigable and effective.

In addition, this workshop also provides insight into areas of website maintenance, marketing and management.

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