Le Chat Overgnat describes the services offered by LCO-France. Based in St Alyre, in the Livradois-Forez nature park, Auvergne, we offer hospitality (chambres d hotes), meals (table d hote), internet access, cybercafe (coffee, tea and snacks), and computer education courses. Our IT services are based on the usage of GNU/Linux.
Chambres d' Hotes
Rooms, on a nightly basis, available at the LCO.
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$img3=array('src'=>'lechatimages/jaderm_sm.jpg', 'width'=>'192', 'height'=>'144');
$img4=array('src'=>'lechatimages/roserm_sm.jpg', 'width'=>'192', 'height'=>'144');
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The LCO has 5 rooms which are available for Chambres d'Hotes.